No name
George Washington
It is just like the D'Aulaire's to create a story (complete with beautiful full-color illustrations) that would be interesting and appealing to small children and yet teach more about the character and upbringing of "the Father of Our Country" than most textbooks. The story covers our First President's early childhood – growing up in Colonial America – his adventures (and character) as a young officer during the French and Indian War and, of course, his role in the American Revolution and as president.
Getting Started with Latin
Getting Started with Spanish
Gi'Me Elbow Room, Folk Songs of A Scottish Childhood
Three time national fiddle champion Bonnie Rideout put together an enchanting collection of songs and poems for children on this mp3 album, originally released on CD. She has set traditional poems and nursery rhymes (such as "Bobbie Shafto" and "Wee Willie Winkie") to traditional Scottish tunes and includes familiar songs such as "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean" and "Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be."
The best part of the album are the pieces of original and traditional music set to the poems of Robert Louis Stevenson and an absolutely ingenious adaption of the Yeats poem, "The Fiddler from Dooney."
I cannot praise this album enough, it is extremely well done. As part of our homeschooling we memorize poetry so my children were in awe of a Robert Louis Stevenson "song." The music is irresistible and we are all singing the songs throughout the day. The instruments used in creating the music on various pieces include the following: fiddle, viola, harp, recorder, bodhran, piano, guitar, tin whistle, ocarina, dulcimer, and if you can believe it, coffee can, tinkertoy can and kazoo.
If you and your children like traditional Irish and Scottish music, this mp3 (or CD) album would be a great addition to your collection. It can be ordered from any music store or directly from the music company.
Giant of the Western Trail
Pierre-Jean De Smet (1801-1873) was a beloved missionary in the American West who brought the Gospels and the Catholic Faith to many Indians as well as fighting for peace and justice for the Indians and those suffering from the Civil War. A substantial figure in American history, many may remember from the Little House Books that the city in South Dakota that the Ingalls settled in was named after this renowned priest.
This is a readable interesting story which provides many interesting details about Indian life, the cause of the struggles with the Indians, and the role of Catholics in American history. It really shows a much more favorable side to the Indians than we see in many books as we understand their initial trust of white man and how that trust was betrayed over and over again. (Naturally the details vary from tribe to tribe.) Fr. de Smet founded missions among many of the Indian tribes and played influential roles in a number of important peace councils – particularly his encounters with the legendary Sitting Bull.
One reason I think this book is particularly important is that it shows how progressive Catholic teaching is and was on matters relating to the Indians and their rights. Kind of interesting from a book written in the 1950s! Highly recommended. Most appropriate for grades 5-8.
A great book to read alongside this is Brave Buffalo Fighter by John D. Fitzgerald (Bethlehem Books). It brings the same era to life through the eyes of children on a wagon train.
God In Our House
I always look forward to the new books published by Neumann Press, and this book was worth waiting for! God In Our House is a collection of essays that were originally published on a weekly basis in a Catholic magazine named America. Because this feature of the magazine was so popular, the editors published this book, which Neumann Press has now republished.
Beginning with the First Sunday of Advent and concluding with the Last Sunday After Pentecost, each essay is based on a passage from the gospel reading of the day. All Sundays and many Holy Days are included, with the same format: the passage is cited and followed by an approximately two-page essay or story. The author, a father of five, often uses examples from the daily life of a busy family to explain the passage. His style is so appealing! As you progress through the year, you come to know his family almost as well as the teachings of the gospels.
Our family has a custom of re-reading the Sunday gospels on Sunday evenings, and we try to read from a Catholic book as well. With a wide age-span amongst our children, it has been difficult to find a book suitable and enjoyable for all. This book fits our Sunday evenings perfectly. The reading for the week would also be profitable if it were read before Sunday, perhaps as a part of Friday's religion class or Saturday's preparation for Sunday. It only takes a few minutes, but the lessons learned through these enjoyable stories will remain. Buy this book in the hardcover edition! You will enjoy it THAT much as you read it year after year.
Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat
Also available in softcover: ISBN 1-930873-59-X
God King
God King is a very engaging tale set in Egypt and Judah in approximately 701 B.C. Like Joanne Williamson's other Bethelehem Books title Hittite Warrior, God King helps the reader connect major stories from the Bible with contemporary events in secular history. The Egyptian perspective gives us a more complete look at the fierceness of the Assyrians and the great danger they posed to all the surrounding nations – providing greater insight into God's miraculous intervention on behalf of Jerusalem and King Hezekiah.
Taharka is one of the lesser sons of the Egyptian pharaoh, Shabaka. Through an act of mercy that was forbidden to one in his position, he is unexpectedly chosen as successor to his father. Life as Pharaoh is strange and unpleasant to him as he adjusts to a new life of strange eating restrictions, limited interaction with common people and bizarre rules of etiquette. To make matters worse, a whole web of threats and intrigue follows, involving his jealous half-brother Shabataka, who had been groomed for the throne, and the threat of Assyrian spies and invasion. Finally Taharka escapes an attempt on his life and flees the country in disguise in the company the king of Judah's ambassador, who had come to Taharka asking for assistance against the Assyrians. Taharka encounters the seemingly invincible armies of the Assryians and their cruel ways before making his way into a besieged Jerusalem. There Taharka comes to appreciate the faith, integrity and ingenuity of King Hezekiah and discovers how he can use his position to prevent a new threat.
You can find the Biblical account of King Hezekiah in the Book of Isaiah. Ages 10 and up.
Daria Sockey has written an introduction that includes some activity suggestions for home educators.
This title was donated for review by Bethlehem Books.
God Listens to Our Children
God's Little Angels
This lovely story is reprint of the 1905 book The Transplanting of Tessie. Little Tessie spent six years at a convent boarding school before becoming ill. She finds herself at her uncle's country estate where she recovers and, through many adventures, brings her relatives to the Catholic faith. All of our children enjoyed this touching story. The author writes vividly and with just enough suspense to keep the reader wanting more. Each chapter is followed by a set of comprehension questions (answers at the back of the book) for those who want to use the book as part of their schoolwork. Although I read this story aloud to our children it is also suitable for mature 5th graders and older to read alone. Younger children will enjoy hearing the story and will benefit from having some of the older customs mentioned in the book explained to them. The softcover on this 8 ½" x 11" book is easily torn so owners may want to cover it with clear contact paper before passing it on to their children to read.
Copyrights 1905/1998